Friday 5 December 2014

What is a storyboard?

A storyboard serves the same function in film making as an outline does in written projects. It enables the film director to visualise the flow of camera shots and sets that we want to eventually appear on the cinema screen. Doing a rough storyboard is the first step a director will take visualising a script of storyboard, it is easier to visualise potential problems before actually filming which saves time. One advantage of using storyboards is that it allows us to experiment with changes in the storyline to evoke stronger reaction or interest. For example, flashback are often the result of sorting storyboards our of chronological order to help build suspense and interest. The process of visual thinking and planning will allow my group to brainstorm together, planning our ideas on the storyboard and then arranging it on the wall. The creates more ideas and generates consensus inside the group.

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