Friday 5 December 2014

Thriller Interviews

This is an iMovie I made to show the process of interviewing about what people like about thrillers.

From this I have understood that it needs to be an attractive main character. Boys are attracted to good looking girls and vice versa. I also found that audiences like to watch thrillers that keep you anticipated and on the edge of your seat, good cast which means that they have to be experienced with acting, a thrill and so on. I think this has given us a good idea of what to do next and what our audience will like as we interviewed people of our target audience. Therefore to progress with our idea we will show our main character being chased and being killed but then reveal that actually this is all a dream thta the antagonist has rather than a real crime. This will then give us time duri ng the process of the film to reveal why the protagonist acts this way.

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