Wednesday, 24 September 2014

The Call Trailer Analysis

The Call Cover

The Call is apart of the Thriller genre. The trailer starts off with a black screen. There is a sound bridge of the phone ringing. The over shot view of the office shows the power they all have as 911 operators and how busy they are. As soon as Hallie Berry hits the space bar to answer her call all the diegetic sound stops. The zoom into her eyes shows the fear of the operator of the sound she just heard over the phone of a window smashing. This connects to the sub title and shows how the audience should be feeling and signifies our response as well as hers. The echo of the screams connote that the girl is very scared. The dark lighting of the house that has been broken into suggests something bad will happen. When the operator redials after loosing connection, there is a blip in the screen like a flash of darkness. This indicates that there is going to be a change and that the intruder is going to find the girl. The zoom in on the teenagers mouth emphasises how loud her scream is and how scared she is, additionally the zoom in on the eyes again conveys how her mistake her cost the girl her life. 
Preceding, the sound effects when the car pulls into the girl show that it wasn't a mistake as it is intensified to build tension. As seen before the blip then happens multiple times and the girl is abducted. We then get an inside view of the girl in the boot of the car. We discover that the girl finds a phone and phones the 911 operators. Similar to before, the same operator gets put on the case to help, we know this time by her facial emotions she is determined to not make any mistakes and save the girl. The repetitive of the blip occurs when the abducter is shown, which demonstrates that the man could have abducted the first girl that was found dead. The steady non diegetic beat shows the heart beat of not only the girl but the 911 operator who is giving her specific advice on how to get people to notice her and getting her calm. The constant shutter effect is to connote something bad will happen like the man being set a light with petrol on him. The side shot of Berry’s eyes and the words she says and the reply foreshadow what was said in the first incident, this presents the fear. The flashbacks she has and the very short clips show how dramatic it is and builds up tension of what is going to happen next. The short clips of tense parts of the film put together to non diegetic sound signify the determination she showed at the beginning as we can guess that the girl is going to be saved. 

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