Saturday 31 January 2015

Final Shot List

Wide shot from front girl walking showing 

Wide shot from behind of girl - shows her being in a quiet area and her isolation

Zoom into her feet walking - showing the audience her calm pace

Close up of phone in her hands, she is sending a text to her mother saying 'I will be home in 10, just walking back' - this foreshadows that she may not be returning home at all. 

Wide shot of car pulling up next to her and beginning of conversation

Close up shot of her mouth explaining whilst her voice is heard

Voice fades to mute and panning shot of her body

Close up and zoom of certain parts of her body

Wide shot of girl waving goodbye

Full body shot of girl walking from behind and her turning wen she hears the car door slam

Over the shoulder shot of man out of the car - to show he is now behind her

Cross close up of his feet walking and hers 

Point of view shot from man of girl - shows her picking up her pace

Point of view shot of her feet, - shaky and fast to connote her panic

Wide shot of man covering her mouth from behind

Close up of girl with hand over face attempting to scream

Fade out to black... 

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